Here are expenses that are worth every penny paid.
Car Maintenance
As a young(er) adult I was horrible about keeping up with car maintenance. Horrible.
Then, when pregnant with my youngest daughter about eight years ago, I bought an $18,000 car when I was earning less than $20,000 per year. After a few months of making the car payment I discovered how dumb I was for buying that expensive of a car and was determined to make it last as long as possible.
I’ve kept up with the maintenance of my car religiously and have had very few problems with it. The car is now almost nine years old and I plan on driving it until it stops working.
Keeping up with car maintenance, (whether that is changing your mobile car air conditioning regas, or getting a new engine fitted) will extend the life of your vehicle, potentially saving you tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime.
(Almost) All Insurances
I used to think insurance was a joke. You pay and pay and get nothing out of it. Boy, was that backwards thinking.
I didn’t understand exactly how important insurance was until I became an insurance agent. I got to witness firsthand how some people were saved financially by insurance and how others went bankrupt for not having enough coverage.
I am now more than willing to pay for good insurance with good coverages.
Good Babysitting
I made the decision at the end of the school year that I was going to try my hardest to avoid taking my kids to the babysitter on a daily basis. What happened though, was that each night after my kids went to bed I would stay up drinking coffee to get my work done.
I wouldn’t want to get up the next morning and would feel grumpy all day. Not exactly the kind of Mom my kids wanted to be around.
Just this week I found a great babysitter and decided to send my kids a few hours per day for 2-3 days a week so that I could get my work done without the all-nighters.
The funny thing is my kids were so happy that they got to go play with their friends a couple days per week. This expense is completely worth it to me for both my sake and theirs.
Home Maintenance
My husband and I bought a fixer upper last year that we got an awesome deal on. The problem was the home hadn’t been properly maintained in years.
For the past year we’ve been going through the list and have fixed just about every major thing that was wrong. Some of the expenses we’ve had would’ve been completely avoided if basic, easy maintenance would’ve been done by the former homeowners.
Skipping basic maintenance on a home (like fixing a broken vent fan, replacing leaky pipes or patching holes in the siding) can save a lot of money if done before other problems arise. Ensuring you have the right tools for this is going to help you on your way and things like a power drill, screw driver and spirit level are definitely items you may want to consider getting.
In some cases, you may not be able to do the maintenance yourself. If this is you, and you are worried about making things worse, you must hire professionals. The expense is worth it as this will stop more issues down the line and more money being spent. Look into a Plumber in River Valley (or elsewhere), as well as an electrician, contractor, etc., so you get the best people for the job.