I have no shame when it comes to buying used. Here are five reasons why.
It Costs Less
Let’s start with the obvious: buying used items is a huge money savings. This is true for things big and small. I save hundreds of dollars per year buying small items like clothing and toys and save thousands on larger purchases like vehicles and furniture.
No matter what kinds of budget you’re working with used is less expensive 99% of the time.
I Normally Get Higher Quality Items
When I don’t buy used items I generally default to a lower quality item at a lower price. I’m not a person who enjoys spending money. But if I’m planning on buying something that’s been previously owned I’m adamant about getting high quality.
I’ll do a lot of research before buying a used item to make sure it’s exactly what I need and that it will last. Due to this I always end up with higher quality items at a much lower price compared to what I’d be getting buying new.
It Forces Me to Plan
When you buy used you can’t just run out and make a purchase. Instead, you have to plan out your spending and wait until you can find the item you’re in need of. This prevents impulse purchases and can save you a ton of money in and of itself.
If you have kids then you already know what I mean! Kids are notorious for growing out of clothing quickly, destroying shoes before there’s been enough time to grow out of them and of course, playing with toys for an hour before getting tired of them.
It’s very rare that my kids get clothing or toys that aren’t used or for sale at a deep discount.
It’s Better for the Environment
Okay, I’ll be honest, this isn’t the main reason that I buy used but it’s definitely a bonus in my book. I feel loads better about preventing an item from going to the trash – especially if it’s still in perfect working order.
There are a ton of benefits to buying used verses new and I’m sure my reasons barely scratch the surface. If you buy used what are your motivations behind it?
I definitely agree that you normally end up with a higher quality item. Say with a laptop, they are released so frequently that the technology doesn’t really change too much. A second hand laptop with a higher spec will be cheaper than the new version with a lower spec. I think people just need to overcome the idea of someone else having owned something before them, then they will realise how much they will save on loads of things. Great little article!
I completely agree! Our entire house is furnished with used items and we are able to buy much higher quality when buying used. We also have stocked our kitchen with used items. Everything from Le Creuset to a high end set of copper cookware in new condition that retails for $2,000 and which we paid $180. Our stainless steel Bosch dishwasher cost $50 and is phenomenal. These are all things we would never have been able to afford new, nor would be have been willing to spend the money for them new even if we had it! We now consider it a challenge to find whatever we need in good, used condition. I have a friend that cringes at the thought of buying used which crack me up because she also loves antiques. I always tell her antiques are the original used furniture!
Huge YES to better quality, for less! Aside from my bed I don’t think I own any brand new furniture.
I have a similar approach to clothes shopping. Lot more things I won’t buy used on that front, but many of my regular pieces (and favourites!) were thrifted.