With my first daughter I fell for the trap and bought so many baby related items that never got used more than once. When my second daughter came around I knew what I was doing and pared down on the baby paraphernalia.
If you’re bringing home a baby soon here are the top supplies you need for a baby.
Your baby is going to need somewhere to sleep! For the first couple of months a bassinet can work greatly and are very convenient since they can be easily moved from room to room. However, once your baby starts becoming active you’ll need a more solid bedding solution.
If you plan on having more than one child I’d recommend that you invest some money into a high quality crib that will last for years.
I paid around $350 for my crib (about eight years ago) and it lasted through my two daughters and was then handed down for my niece to use.
If you’re only planning on having one child you could opt for a crib that can be turned into a toddler bed in the future.
Car Seat
You need a good baby car seat. This is one area where I’d suggest that you buy brand new and high quality. Paying more is worth it when it comes to safety.
Rocking Chair
I never knew how handy rocking chairs were until I had to calm a crying baby every evening. Having a rocking chair near your baby’s crib or bassinet will be a huge help during bedtime routines.
No need to splurge here though, a used rocking chair will work just fine!
Bouncy Seat
This was the only real “extra” that came in handy when my daughters were babies. A basic bouncy seat that supports a baby not big enough to crawl or walk can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to get things done around the house. And luckily you can find these quite inexpensively.
And last but not least you’ll need clothes, diapers, bottles and receiving blankets.
These will all be things that you use the most of and are good items to request at your baby shower. Go ahead and build up a good stockpile of these items ahead of time if possible.
While other items may come in handy from time to time these were the most helpful supplies for me.