If you’ve been feeling stuck financially there’s a good chance your thinking is to blame just like mine was. Here’s what to do.
Stop Putting Limits on Yourself
Coming from a small town where the median salary is $18k per person I had always set limits on myself on what I was “supposed” to earn, even though I knew the possibilities were endless. When I finally figured out that it was possible for me to earn more and subsequently reach all the financial goals for myself I went all in.
Still, even though my opportunities had changed and I was working in an area with endless possibilities I was stuck around $30k per year for a long time. It wasn’t until I changed my mindset and truly lifted the limits from myself that I began to earn more.
You need to stop putting limits on yourself when it comes to money too.
Surround Yourself with New People
Technology is amazing. Now you don’t even have to personally know someone to get in their mind. Start listening to podcasts or reading the blogs of people you look up to and whose success you’d like to emulate.
Fill your mind up with insights from people who think bigger than you do.
If there’s someone nearby who can mentor you in person don’t pass up on the opportunity. The more you surround yourself with people who have what you want the easier it’s going to be for you to hit your goal.
Don’t Let Your Excuses Become More Important Than Your Goals
We all make excuses. Sometimes those excuses stem from fear other times they come from laziness. But if you really want to hit your next milestone you’ve got to push the excuses aside and just do the work.
Remember, success doesn’t discriminate. No matter what your goal is you are more than capable of reaching it!