Right now is the perfect time of year to really get serious about everything you hope to accomplish in 2016.
Think Big.
I started off 2015 with a bang going full force on my goals. After a couple of months I realized that I was going to be able to very easily reach them. Rather than that thought being motivating, it actually made me lose momentum. I knew that I didn’t need to push myself very hard to reach the goals I had set.
You need to create goals that are big enough to motivate you. As the saying goes “If you shoot for the moon you’ll land upon the stars.”
So, even if you set a big goal and don’t reach it you’ll be better off for trying.
Be Specific
Don’t set goals like “improve my health” or “earn more money.” Those statements are so generic that you won’t stick with them. You need to have more specific goals.
If you want to earn more money, how much? If you want to become healthier what exactly are you going to do about it?
Make a Plan
After you’ve set your big goals make a plan with target dates on it.
For instance, if you’re looking to earn more money next year make monthly or quarterly targets as well as specific tasks you’re going to perform every day. Spend the next few weeks mapping out a plan (and even acting on the plan.)
Make Sure Your Goals Matter to You
One mistake I see over and over is well-meaning people setting goals that have more to do with societal norms or peer pressure than they do with meaning. Don’t follow someone else’s life plan. Think long and hard about what matters the most in your life.
Make sure your goals have true meaning.
Change the Course if You Need To
Sometimes you set goals and after a couple months go by you realize those goals no longer work for you. That’s okay! Don’t give up on goal setting – just switch out your goals.
Goal setting can do a lot to improve your life so take the time, sit down and really map out what you want to accomplish in the coming year.