I’ve went down a bumpy road myself this year. And I’ll tell you what – I’ve spent far more on pregnancy tests than I even want to admit.
Pregnancy tests aren’t cheap.
Whether you’re obsessively checking to see if you’re pregnant because you’ve had a previous miscarriage or other medical problem and are now scared to death, or just hoping for that line to appear on the stick, here’s what you need to know about saving money on pregnancy tests.
HEAL-CHECK Bulk Pregnancy Test Strips for Home Detection
You can get these HEAL-CHECK Preganncy Test Strips on Amazon for $9.99. The are individually wrapped, come with 25 test strips, and miniature sample cups for ease of use. The manufacturer guarantees that they are 99% accurate. You get results within 5 minutes. One visible line on the strip indicates non-pregnancy and two lines indicate pregnancy.
Buy Pregnancy Tests at the Dollar Store
Another option is to buy pregnancy tests at the Dollar Store. While some Dollar Stores will just have the regular drugstore selection at the regular drugstore price, you can get pregnancy tests from The Dollar Tree and Save-A-Lot for a buck!
Not as cheap as the Amazon deal but it’s still pretty cheap!
When You Get a Positive on One of Those THEN You Buy an Expensive One
After you get a positive on one of your cheapies then go get yourself a more expensive test (like a First Response or Clear Blue) to confirm your results.
I’ve found it’s best to get these at Amazon, Kroger or Kmart versus a drugstore. The prices are way cheaper.
So if you’re trying to conceive and are burning a hole in your bank account first try out the cheap tests. Your wallet will thank you, I promise.