In your head you might think you’ll never get ahead or that the small things you do don’t matter. Those thoughts, however, couldn’t be farther from the truth. Like Mr. Money Mustache says, “Millionaires are made ten bucks at a time.”
Kill those self-defeating thoughts and instead focus on making several small actions repeatedly.
Get started with these seven ways to improve your finances today.
Transfer $5 to Your Savings Account
Five dollars might not seem like a lot but done repeatedly it adds up to big money. For instance, five dollars a day is $1,825 and five dollars a week is $260.
That five dollars might seem small now but when you let it add up it becomes a significant number.
Don’t Buy Anything
For one day don’t buy a single thing. No coffee, no takeout, and no special extras.
Make a Menu Plan
Along the same lines, go ahead and create a menu plan for the rest of the week. If you don’t already do all of your cooking at home this can save you a ton of money.
Sell Something You No Longer Use
Go through your house and make a pile of belongings that you no longer need, want, or use. Now list at least one thing for sale on Facebook Yard Sales or Craigslist today. Repeat until everything out of your stack has sold.
Find a Cheaper Cell Phone Plan
If you have a contract phone start shopping for a prepaid package. You’ll save oodles of money and still walk away the same great service. Check out Republic Wireless, Ting, or Net10.
Create a Budget
Don’t have a budget? Today is the perfect day to create one. Pull out a piece of paper and pen and start going through your expenses from the past year. Break all of your expenses into categories and see if you have anything to clean up.
Figure out how much money you’ll have left over at the end of the month and decide right now, what you’re going to do with it.
Cancel Unwanted Memberships and Subscriptions
I went through my subscriptions a few months ago and found two to cancel that I no longer needed or used. At $10 per month a piece I was throwing away $240 a year!
Take a Small Action Everyday
Your small actions, when repeatedly done, will add up to something huge when it comes to your finances. Take control and commit to doing one tiny thing per day. In a year from now you’ll be so happy you started!