There is more to happiness than money but few would argue that it cannot help. People living with debt that is seemingly overwhelming face constant problems. There might be a stream of creditors chasing them for money and no apparent solution to the problem. Some of the people over the years that have suddenly won a huge amount of money on a lottery then wasted it have claimed that money ruined their lives. It is difficult not to think they have had basic flaws in their character that would have made happiness elusive anyway. The point is that health and happiness can go together. Those who take control of the financial aspects of their lives generally have little cause to worry.
Feel Good
The end of the recession has been good news for everyone. Unemployment levels are falling and with job security improving consumer confidence is rising. Low interest rates have resulted in cheap money being available. Modern lenders realize that there is demand for loans and there is certainly nothing wrong with responsible borrowing. People borrow for many reasons and as long as they can afford the monthly payments why not borrow money for a holiday or a new car? It will certainly result in happiness.
Whether the level of happiness people feel increases the more money they have is questionable. There are several other factors in happiness including friends, relationships, health and a sense of achievement. Different people have a different idea of what happiness means to them. For some it is a simple life in a beautiful environment; others seek excitement, city life and career challenges. The former are likely to require less money for happiness in the majority of cases.
Temporary or Permanent
It is important to recognize that happiness can be temporary or permanent. It may be something that people feel for a few hours on a number of occasions or a general state of mind that is fairly constant throughout a person’s life. Money’s role in the latter is likely to be important. When happiness comes and goes money may be irrelevant; it may revolve round something as simple as a favorite sports team winning each time. That can actually lift the gloom for a while. A shopping trip can obviously bring happiness; a new dress or smart phone but this does involve the need for money, and sensibly affordability.
Affordability is key. The shops are open to tempt everyone and credit cards have often been the way that shoppers have paid for their purchases. These cards offer credit as their names suggest and the problem is that it is not essential to pay off the month’s spending in one payment. Interest charged on outstanding balances is penal and it is all too easy to build up debt without realizing it. For happiness think misery.
Everyone should pay attention to their finances. If they are spending more than they are earning then it will be difficult to be happy. Logic demands that people who want to be happy should get rid of their debt if it looks to be out of control. That does not mean that affordable loans cannot be part of a sensible financial strategy; indeed they may be central to creating a happy and comfortable life.
It is worth thinking about personal priorities and how to attain the things, material as well as emotional, that will bring happiness. There should be no room for envy of others because they seem to have more money. It is impossible to know how happy they are. Instead people should concentrate on their own priorities, aim to achieve them and be happy.