It took me awhile to get comfortable with the idea of investing in the stock market and even now I lean more toward non-traditional investment ideas.
If you’re looking to make your money work for you but are reluctant to start buying stocks or other similar assets here are five non stock market investment ideas.
Your Own Business
Thanks to the internet you can make a little bit of money go a very long way with an online business. And the business you start can be virtually anything. (No pun intended!)
You can take a little money and set up a freelancer’s website, a blog, an online store, or something else.
It will take hard work in addition to a little bit of money, but the rewards of starting an online business (or any business for that matter) can be huge!
Real Estate
Real estate has always been more appealing to me than the stock market. But rather than owning rental properties I want to flip houses.
I successfully flipped a house a few years ago and it was an amazing feeling! There’s a lot of risk in flipping houses but I know from personal experience that it can be highly profitable. If you need a good strategy for how to get rich in real estate check out How I Turned $1,000 into Five Million in Real Estate in My Spare Time. The author is a guy called William Nickerson who actually did build up a 5,000,000 real estate portfolio (and that in 1970s dollars). His formula was basic enough that small investors without any formal education can profit from it.
Certificates of Deposits
If you’re looking for a super safe investment then CD’s could be right for you. But you know what comes along with super safe investments? Super low returns.
CD rates are still very low so if you’re risk tolerance is moderate to high then this probably isn’t the investment for you.
Did you know that you can now invest in start-up businesses?
There are certain start up sites now looking for angel investors. I would highly recommend that you thoroughly research any company you’re thinking of investing in beforehand. However, if you want to support entrepreneurs this could be the perfect non stock market investment idea for you.
Invest in Yourself
A few months ago I took a blogging course in order to help grow by blog. The course was $300 and I’ve already made about 10x’s that back, if not more! Investing in yourself is by far one of the most powerful things you can do.
Think about buying (and actually reading and applying) books in your field, taking courses, or getting a certification. YOU are your biggest money maker!
Which Will You Do?
When investing you are in no way limited to the stock market. There are many, many ways to make your money grow without every putting your cash into a stock. (If you do want to get started investing in the stock market with very little money read this.)
Just find something you believe in and make calculated investments. It really can be that simple!