There was one thing that stood out to me and that I’m now using as my own mantra. “Successful People Do What Other People Aren’t Willing to Do.”
Today is the third day I’ve been repeating this in my head every time I don’t “feel” like doing something. And I feel sooo good. (In fact I’m taping that statement to my laptop screen!)
So today I wanted to talk about that.
What’s Holding You Back?
I think that it’s fair to say that at one point or another we compare ourselves to someone else or at least envy another lifestyle. If you’re in debt maybe you envy those who are debt free, if you hate your job you might envy someone who loves theirs, if you don’t make much money you might envy someone who earns six figures. You get the point.
The thing is we’re all capable of success. Of course success looks different to every person but we all have the ability achieve our own personal success.
After reading this book I believe more than ever that the successful people are definitely the ones who are willing to do what other people won’t do. What are you willing to do that will get you where you want to be?
Sacrifice Isn’t Fun
Sacrifice isn’t fun – at first. In the beginning you feel self-deprived. You’re up all night working while your friends are sitting at home watching TV. Or you’re pinching pennies while your neighbors are buying new vehicles left and right.
It’s easy to pity yourself.
But after a while that sacrifice starts to feel normal and you couldn’t imagine living any other way. Your sacrifice increases not only your confidence, but your self-discipline as well.
You Control Your Life
Life is a series of choices and those choices are up to you. You can follow along with what everyone else is doing (which usually means taking on debt for insignificant things like clothes, furniture, and vacations) or you can pave your own path.
I know that I recently wrote how your attitude affects your outcome. But I want to remind you again YOUR future is in YOUR own hands. You’re the only one who can change your life, you just have to be willing to do so.
So, go make some stuff happen.
It might take you awhile to get to where you want to be, but everyone starts somewhere, right?