Last week we started exploring twelve different ways to save $50 per month, listing the first six. Today we’re going to go over six more ways you can $50 per month. Hopefully you can find at least a couple different ideas that work for you.
# 7 – Brown Bag It
To me this idea is so obvious that I almost hesitated on sharing it. Then I got to thinking back about all my day jobs and the fact that the majority of the people I worked with would go through a drive thru for lunch every single day. Even the people who made close to minimum wage!
Packing your work lunch everyday isn’t that hard to do. Wouldn’t it be so much better to spend ten minutes preparing to save at least $50 a month?
# 8 – Only Shop with a List
Shopping with a list has been huge for my grocery savings.
You know how stores are set up – to entice you to make impulse purchases! If you want to resist those impulse purchases you need to create a list and stick to it.
# 9 – Switch from Cable to Netflix
If you’re still paying an ungodly amount of money for satellite or cable consider switching to Netflix or another cable alternative. (I actually use Amazon Prime since I already have the membership. There are thousands of free movies and shows I can watch whenever I feel like it. Plus they are commercial free.)
If you haven’t made the switch I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with a service like Netflix or Amazon Prime.
# 10 – Get a Republic Wireless Cell Phone
Cell phone bills can get a bit ridiculous, especially if you have a large family and are on a contract.
Pay as you go phones are now amazing. You can get the same type of smartphone you’d get with a contract plan for a fraction of the monthly bill and you also can get unlimited data and minutes. It really doesn’t make sense not to go with a pay as you go phone.
I’ve tested out Republic Wireless, which have plan starting at $5 a month, and can personally vouch for the fact they’re a high quality company.
# 11 – Pay Off Your Credit Card Debt
If you have credit card debt you need to make a plan to pay it off……….like, now. While this might take a while to do you stand the chance of saving far more than just $50 per month. Plus, think of how awesome it will feel to not have to worry about that debt anymore!
# 12 – Start Buying Store Brands
I’m to the point now where I actually prefer shopping store brands over name brands. I’ve done it for such a long time.
If you’ve been true to name brand products I’d suggest slowly switching over. It might take a while for you to find the store brand products that you really like. If you just switch a few of the things you buy often to off brands you can save a ton of money!
How are You Going to Save?
I’m hoping that you found at least a couple ideas to save $50 a month that you can apply to your own life. By making these easy changes you can free up room in your budget for much more important things!