I hope you all had an amazing Holiday. I’ve spent the last week spending time with my family and spent all day yesterday cleaning up messes! My girls got way too many toys and now I’m trying to figure out where to put them. I’m back to work today though and have a lot of catching up to do!
My girls are at their Dad’s house for the weekend so I guess I have plenty of time to catch up!
Here are some posts I really enjoyed from the week and hope you do, too.
- Laurie @ The Frugal Farmer had a post all about Choosing Long Term Success over Instant Gratification, something I’m sure we all have trouble with from time to time.
- Joe @ Stacking Bejamins latest podcast is all about Saving More Money without Even Trying. If you have a few extra minutes check him out!
- J$ has all kinds of awesomely entertaining articles @Rock Star Finance Just take a look at the homepage and you can see a collection of *unique* blog posts about money from around the web.
- Connie from Savvy with Saving writes Why Do We Buy Counterfeit Goods? This kind of brought back some old memories. My brother used to by fake designer clothes at the flea market when we were kids.
- Kristina @Dinks Finance asks an important question Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage or Save Your Money? I guess that just depends upon your goals.
I hope you have a *great* weekend!