Happy Valentines day to you. I say that, not because I want you to run out and buy me chocolate and gifts, but rather just to be nice. At our house, we have never embraced Valentines Day as a day to spend lots of money to try to prove our love to each other. We sit firmly in the "Reject consumerism on pretend holidays” camp.
This morning my wife, daughter and I all exchanged homemade cards with each other. This is the first year that my daughter seems to really be excited about Valentines day and it was great to start acclimating her to our belief that spending a bunch of money one day per year to convince someone you love them isn’t our preferred approach. We’d much rather reinforce our love for each other all year long with words and actions. Sure, we can afford to buy each other chocolate, fancy cards and jewelry but that’s not a priority for us.
How are you celebrating Valentine’s day?