I bought a large chunk of $1 gold coins from the US Mint today thanks to a suggestion by Nickel over at Five Cent Nickel. He mentioned that the Mint has a program going right now where you can buy the coins at face value and get free shipping. “Why bother?", you ask. Well, I used my American Express card and will receive cash back at the end of the year! Since we ALWAYS pay our card off at the end of each month, there’s really not much risk in making the purchase. It’s not a ton of free money, but what the heck. We can use the gold coins over time to cover expenses. I thought about just depositing the in the bank right away but the Mint has asked people not to do that since the purpose of the program is to get more coins in circulation. I think I’ll spread them out a bit to family so that I don’t have them all in one place. I hate keeping cash at the house.
Thanks for the tip Nickel!
Did you receive your AmEx statement yet? How did it register – as a purchase, or as a cash advance?
It showed up as general merchandise and it appears I got the 1% cashback. :)