We’re just about to pull the trigger on canceling our home
What is it? It’s basically a corporate version of Skype that integrates with Microsoft Communicator (the business version of their instant messaging product). Now when I need to call someone, I simply put the headset on and dial right from the screen on my computer. I’ve been using it for about a week now and the call quality has been outstanding. It also improves voicemail handling so that instead of having to dial in to a voicemail service, I just get an email in my Outlook mailbox with a wave file attached.
I will be trying to use this exclusively for a few more weeks to make sure there are no cobwebs in it and then we may cancel our home phone.
One thing that I’m a little hesitant about is losing the phone number that we’ve had for about 12 years. I really wish we could port it over to Google Voice but I’m not aware of that option yet. Does anyone know another cheap way I could port the number and park it somewhere for future use?
Can port it at callcentric.com. Basically they charge less than $3 a month if you never use your phone and if you do it’s only 0.01 per min.
You can do the same thing – and more – with MagicJack for $20 a year. But be sure to subtract from your savings for additional electrical charge as you need to leave your computer on 24/7.