Blu-ray, Blu-ray, Blu-ray. It seems everyone is excited about
I have watched the sample Blu-ray movies in various stores when I’m out shopping and I really can’t see a huge difference in the image quality. Is it that much better? Frankly, I’ve been very happy with the DVD quality that we normally watch. It’s clear, and easy to navigate through the scenes etc. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there that disagree with me, so I’d love to hear what you think I’m missing on this.
Clearly it must be a better video format and have a higher image quality for people to shell out hundreds of dollars for new video players and pay a price premium to rent or buy the Blu-ray movies. I guess my question is, do we really need better video quality? Is this another case of marketing telling us our DVD player is obsolete so we need to shell out more money to replace a perfectly functioning movie player? I’m sure I’ll buy a Blu-ray player some day. Normally I wait until the price hits the “commodity†point where you can pick one up for less than $50. I’ll only do this once companies like Netflix and others start phasing out the DVD standard so I’m guessing we won’t have one in our house for awhile.
Just a little bit of a rant for a Friday! It’s sunny here so most of the weekend will be spent outdoors enjoying the 70 degree weather! It’s the simple things in life that really bring the satisfaction and contentment.
I still have my tube tv, a VCR and a regular DVD player. Very behind the times but I am ok with it.
I have purchased a blu-ray player. Not because I want blu-ray, but because some of the newer players offer really slick netflix streaming services.
If you can’t see any difference, there’s no need to upgrade. I can see a very drastic difference, and even my technophobe mother could see the difference.
Were your glasses clean? Is your prescription up to date? Time to visit the ophthalmologist?
An optometrist would be cheaper. :)
I’m like you, Hazzard. All this stuff (HD TV, Blue-Ray) seems only incrementally better, and certainly not worth what they want for it.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I went to the inlaws house this weekend and they were ranting about getting a blu-ray player. I told them that its not a necessity to have especially that they have a 60′ rear projection tv. They are just telling us that blu-ray is the way, and quite honestly, I’m not buying one until the ps3 is under $200. I want my blu-ray to be the ultimate entertainment equipment.
By the time you decide, Blu-Ray will have been made obsolete by 3D. Their development cycle is carefully crafted to ensure you either spend money every few years or become an anachronism.
Being outside is for losers. You _need_ a PS3. PS3 streams movies and music from your PC, does Blu-ray, and awesome games of course. 2001 Space Odyssey is stunning in blu-ray format. DVD pales in comparison. If you had a PS3, you wouldn’t need to go outside ever again.
the best video player that i use is none other than VLC Player, it is free and i think it is open source too