This week is a really tough week at work. People at all
Am I saving enough?
It’s a thought I have often. We are saving well over 20% of our before tax income in our retirement accounts and are trying to build our emergency fund up higher, although I will confess I’ve slipped up on that goal more than a few times. The good news is that we do have at least 6 months of income saved up and it’s easily accessible. When you combine that with the safety nets that the local/federal government provide (unemployment benefits), our emergency fund should last us more than a year. On top of that, the most likely scenario is that one of us would still be working. In that case, we could go for years without my income because we have kept our fixed expenses very low.
Is my resume current?
I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up my resume, but with a few minutes of work, I think I could have it tuned up and ready to send out. I’ve also kept up my contacts at previous companies and try to maintain a large network of contacts that I would certainly get in touch with if I found myself looking for work. The most likely way that I would find a new job is through referrals and connections. Blindly sending out a resume in this environment would likely not yield any results so my personal network is as important as ever.
Am I doing all I can to be valuable at work?
I’m definitely reevaluating my role at work and am going the extra mile to make sure things are done right and done quickly. I’m also keeping in touch with my boss to be sure I’m doing all that’s needed. I actually just met with him yesterday to lay out performance goals for the year and then we had lunch afterward. My sense is that I’m still considered a valuable member of the team and would be one of the last to go if layoffs were to happen in our group. I’ll continue to watch my performance and volunteer for extra work. By doing this, it will help me gain even more visibility with my management chain and hopefully reinforce that I’m one of the key players on the team.
Are we keeping our bills to a minimum?
I’m still religiously watching our fixed monthly expenses so I know we are doing all we can to keep our bills low. Our total fixed bills for things like mortgage, utilities, gas, food etc are still floating around 50% of our after tax income. If we were to lose our jobs, we could probably reduce that another 5-7% by really locking down spending and getting rid of expenses like Netflix, cable and a couple other “extra†expenses that we have now.
All in all, I think we are doing all we can to prepare for the day that we might be faced with a layoff. By spending far less than we make, and saving some of our monthly excess income, it is providing us with a level of security to weather most any storm. If we hadn’t been doing this for so long, I think we’d be much more stressed out about potentially losing our jobs, that’s for sure.
Having savings to live off for 6 months is grea. Now for the real life scenario- due to job lay off, my husband has been unemployed for 10 months! We have been living off our savings, which has almost depleted. Scary times for most people. The frustrating part of looking for work is that the companies are now offering part time work ( no set hours) low pay with no benefits and sounds like no possibility of full time for the future.
I feel especially sorry for families and baby boomers like us, who have lost alot of money in investments and cannot yet retire.
Really all we have is hope and just believe that this economy turns around f
or the better.
Is it just us or have you noticed that even within companies, departments are fighting for the same clients? Does this make sense?