My old blogging friend, MadameX has put up a great post about her income and expenses over the last 7 years. She has done an OUTSTANDING job at managing her finances and has reaped the benefits of that with a very impressive amount of saving each year. All this while living in New York, dealing with all life’s curve balls, buying a home etc etc..
I think my favorite point that she made was that she seemed to do quite well keeping her expenses down in 2005. That’s the same year that she started her blog and she believes that directly contributed to keeping her expenses low. I think she’s right! There’s nothing like keeping yourself accountable by closely watching your spending to set a good example. I’ll confess that this blog has helped me make better financial decisions over the last 5 years, although I haven’t done quite as well keeping spending down this past year. I’ll chalk that up to emotional (stress) spending, which I’m doing my best to address.
Anyway, it’s a great read and really very interesting. Go check it out!
Thanks Hazzard!