In a sign that people are getting even more desperate, more and more people are visiting psychics with financial questions:
More putting economic worries in hands of psychics, astrologers
In the article the psychic talks about some of the questions she has been getting. They include: “Am I going to be fired?”, “Do I need to do a short sale on my house?”, “When am I going to find a job?”.
I’m not sure if I find this article humorous, or disheartening. Obviously some people are finding themselves in more desperate circumstances and are running out of options. I also found it interesting that the psychic is acting as a quasi-economist and predicting a turn around in a few years. She also advises people to “watch their pennies” and “conserve and reserve”. I’m thinking maybe these people should visit some of the Personal Finance Blogs on the Internet. They may find much more useful information to help them deal with their situation.
I’m putting it out there right now, if anyone wants me to read their financial future I will do so for the low, low price of $19.95.
You know,
This doesn’t suprise me at all. It just goes to show that people don’t believe that they are responsible for their own lives.
This is why if you are rich… or debt free… or successful, people will say, “Wow… you are lucky” As if you just happened to pull the number out of the hat that said “debt free”.
So while I am not against Phychics and/or Astrology, I believe that an individual can control their own finances.
And I’ll put THIS out there… you show me your debt, income and spending habits, and I will give you a financial reading for $17.95 GUARANTEED or your money back. :)
What i know is that there are real pyschics and bogus pyschics that just wants your money…*