I was talking to a frugal friend of ours a couple days ago and the subject turned to computers. I was shocked to learn that they had a Mac in their house as opposed to a PC. The reason I was shocked was because this family is VERY frugal. They live in a very modest house, carry no debt and minimize their spending more than just about anyone I know. While I try to be frugal, they are far more frugal than I.
A little background about them:
-They are married with 3 kids, a dog and a cat
-They live in a 1300 square foot house
-They drive older cars with no payments
-They only shop at discount stores
-They wear a combination of “hand me downs†and discount clothing
-They don’t have cable
-They don’t have a home phone
-They use a prepaid cel phone
-They don’t take expensive vacations
You get the idea. The bottom line is that they are very careful with their money, which I find admirable. I guess that’s why I was so surprised to find out that they are using a Mac laptop. If you’ve done any comparison shopping, you’d know that the Mac is usually about twice the price of a PC laptop. The only reason that I don’t have a Mac is because I can’t bring myself to pay the additional cost. There’s no question that Mac’s are good quality and I’m not saying that they aren’t a wise purchase, but they are more expensive than PC’s, which is why I was surprised to discover that my friend owned one.
As we talked a bit, I said, “I didn’t know you were Mac users. Have you always used Mac’s?†She said, “Yep, we’ve always used Macs because Jason’s brother owns a company that only uses Macs and he always gives us one of their old ones when they upgrade.†That’s when it all made sense.
Yep, that about pinpoints it. The only reason to use a Mac is if you get one for free.
Well… if a family is frugal in all other areas of their life, I can see them buying a Mac, that is if it is important enough to them.
I am a very frugal person, but at the same time I may spend extra money on health (organic foods, supplements etc etc…). And of course I have the ability to do that because I don’t have 3000 HD channels. But it is all about priorities. But with that being said,
I’m a PC.
If you focus on value instead of cost, then the Mac is the only logical choice.
Love my Mac! So old though. I’ve struggled with spending $1,450 on a new Macbook Pro 13″. Got a iBook G4 pokey myself.
Financial Samurai