CNN Money has a great article, (or set of statements) from key people on Wall street discussing what it was like during those crucial hours and days of the Wall Street collapse. It’s interesting reading.
If only I could easily decipher who to despise and who to feel sorry for……
Isn’t it always the same – feel sorry for the little guys that weren’t in the inner circle and didn’t make a killing, or have any poor intentions, and are pretty much in the same boat… yet are vilified by the media alongside the real big cheeses and slyly-motivated bankers who DID end up making a profit, and good ones too a lot of the time. The media has a tendancy to lump all the bankers who were involved in certain markets into a stereotype, but it just isn’t the truth… in some ways those guys have the worst of all worlds… as poor as your ripped off consumer yet hounded in the press. I only say this because my brother-in-law is one of them so I can see first-hand how this has affected his hard-working, honest family.
C’est la vie!
Thanks for the article I enjoyed it!