I have to admit I’m a bit of a Facebook junkie after signing up a couple months ago. I received an email today from a friend on Facebook that looked legit and told me to click on a link:
Here is what the email said:
Julie sent you a message.
Subject: Hello
“Visit http://www.facebook.com/l/0a60b;http://fbactin.net/”
I removed the “O” from the url so that no one gets hit. It’s amazing how fast this thing is spreading. Anyway, just a heads up that you should avoid this message if you are a Facebook user. The site that it loads looks exactly like Facebook but if you look at the address bar in your browser you’ll notice you aren’t at Facebook.com any more. I did a “whois” check on the domain name and was surprised it looks like the record was created TODAY and is already spreading like wildfire.
The domain to avoid at this point is: fbaction . net. I’m guessing that domain will change as it’s pretty easy to alter as many viruses do. If the domain was just registered today, it’s likely this domain will change as the phishing attempt evolves.
I received a version of this in my FB inbox too, but it had the “dots” spelled out.
I emailed the person who sent it to me and asked if they meant to sent the link. Glad I didn’t click on it without asking!