My solution is not rocket science, and will take time, as what takes time to unravel usually takes more time to build up.
1.) Buy American 2.) Stop buying foreign 3. Give breaks and discounts to companies who keep their workforce in the states 4. Tax the imports coming in, and penalize companies for shifting work outsuide the US borders. Will more than even the playing field. 5.) Some sort of tax credit at year end for buying US made products 6.) Reduce welfare to about 30cents on the dollar.. forcing and incentifying people to go work. 8.)Deport illegals as best we can . What part of ILLEGAL don’t people understand? 9.) Cut all funding for illegals whatever it is, and dump the money into pro US workers and US products and services. 10.) Unions need to get back on a competitive pay scale if they want to survive. Supply and demand.
Thats all. Easy no? What is? We’ll have some paying to do for all our silly problems we ve created for ourselves by trying to coddle to the wrong people.
My solution is not rocket science, and will take time, as what takes time to unravel usually takes more time to build up.
1.) Buy American
2.) Stop buying foreign
3. Give breaks and discounts to companies who keep their workforce in the states
4. Tax the imports coming in, and penalize companies for shifting work outsuide the US borders. Will more than even the playing field.
5.) Some sort of tax credit at year end for buying US made products
6.) Reduce welfare to about 30cents on the dollar.. forcing and incentifying people to go work.
8.)Deport illegals as best we can . What part of ILLEGAL don’t people understand?
9.) Cut all funding for illegals whatever it is, and dump the money into pro US workers and US products and services.
10.) Unions need to get back on a competitive pay scale if they want to survive. Supply and demand.
Thats all. Easy no? What is? We’ll have some paying to do for all our silly problems we ve created for ourselves by trying to coddle to the wrong people.