Yet another example where it’s clear that banks are out to make as much money off of you as possible. I will never use a commercial bank again. I’d much rather use a credit union, who’s sole point of existence is to provide products and services to it’s members without making a profit. If you have a choice, why choose an institution that needs to make a profit? Credit Unions offer all the same services as commercial banks……..
I’m not as big a fan of credit unions as you are. Mine turned me down for a small loan despite the fact that I was employed at the same place for 5+ years, had a savings and checking account and no credit card debt or car payments.
Why? Because I’d had a bankruptcy about 8 years prior. They were just like a bank in that regard.
And they also send me a ridiculous amount of offers for insurance and other things I don’t want or need.
I still use them for convenience like payroll deductions for savings but they’re no better than a bank, to me anyway.
Article does note that many CUs do the same