If you are still employed you may find yourself quite comfortable eating whatever happens to suit your fancy each day. Maybe it’s steak, or maybe you’re just fine with Top Ramen or mac and cheese. The good news is that you have a choice on what you eat every day.
Unfortunately more and more people don’t have that choice. They open their cupboards and there is nothing in them. Many of them probably aren’t used to being in this situation and so the feelings of dread and hunger might be almost unbearable.
If you are still employed and able to pay all of your bills each month, maybe you can help out your neighbors. My wife and I have decided to contribute money each month to our local food bank while we can afford to. How did I go about doing this? It was really quite easy.
You can Google “hometown food bank” where hometown is your local city or county. In most cases that should give you the right result for your area. I did that and was able to find a food bank near me that needed volunteers and more importantly needed cash donations. Some food banks are pretty progressive and have Paypal buttons right on their site. Many others just have an address to mail checks to.
After finding the food bank that I wanted to donate to, I actually looked them up on my company’s employee giving site. If you work for a large company you may also have that option. I ended up using my company giving site to automatically take money out of each paycheck for the food bank. They take care of mailing the donation to the food bank so it’s literally trouble free for us.
Anyway, if you have the means to help, this might be one of the most important times in your life to give to others.
No matter how badly off we are, there is always someone worse off. Thanks for reminding us that now, more than ever, others need our help.
Though we don’t necessarily donate to a food bank, we definitely have upped the amount we give. Those of us that are still employed and have means ought to help out.
And I’m not talking about the government going into debt like it is. :)
I made a local food bank and health clinic my charitable priorities this year.
I pulled together a food bank list for my local area and posted it. Sadly, I started to get hits for it. People are definitely in need of help more than ever.
Please let your readers know that public assistance checks only go so far in metropolitan areas. Without food banks, many people would have a huge problem meeting the nutritional needs of their families, because it’s usually whole families with very young children who use this service most.
Thanks Hazzard for posting this!