Sometimes I lay awake at night, worrying about all those people in Las Vegas that need our help. Without tourists, there
Okay, I’m not being completely honest here. While I do share a genuine concern for all my fellow worker bees out there, that isn’t the reason that we are going to Las Vegas next month. It turns out that there are some great deals going on down there right now and my sister and brother in law are going and asked us if we were interested. After doing some quick research on to find out what the average temperature is in March and talking to my wife, we decided to splurge and have a short get away to hopefully warm up and just relax. So far it sounds like my sister, brother in law and his sister and brother in law are going. I booked a flight on Southwest airlines (with the "Wanna get away?" promotion) and now we are on the lookout for a good deal on a hotel. My sister gets reward points through MGM so they are most likely going to be able to stay for free at one of the MGM hotels. Unfortunately, I only have a Costco rewards card so I don’t get that bonus. (I prefer the Costco cash card anyway).
If anyone knows of a great way to get a rock bottom price on a hotel towards the end of March, please let me know. I’ve been watching and have found a couple decent deals, but of course, I like screaming deals better. Any ideas?
I can try, but Vegas is usually hard to swing since it’s so popular. How many days is a few days? It may be easier to get a resort (1 week, or maybe 5 days depending on the place) rather than a hotel on the cheap, or kind of cheap . . . this is Vegas ;)
What dates are you going to be there?