Some friends of ours have decided to sponsor a family in need this year for Christmas. It’ s no secret that there are thousands and thousands of families who are in dire need of assistance. Everybody Loves Your Money has already donated to the fund and I wanted to offer all of my readers an opportunity to give what they can to help a family transition from being homeless to having a roof over their head.
The family that we are helping consists of a Mom, Dad, and three kids, a boy 9, a boy 13, and a girl 15. From what I understand, they are just now transitioning from being homeless so I’m sure they can use all the help they can get. The family lives in Oregon somewhere around the Portland/Beaverton area.
I hope that you’ll consider donating a bit to help this family realize that there is always hope, no matter how dire the situation seems. Our goal is to raise $1000 for them. That will be used for needed gifts from their list and will also provide money for food. Anything that we raise above that will be donated to them in the form of grocery gift cards.
If you think about it, with the economy in the shape that it is, any one of us could find ourselves in situations much like this family’s. I hope that we can raise enough money to help them feel hope and know that others in the world consider them to be important.
If you donate, please leave a note in the comments section to let me know how much you were able to give. I’d like to post later about our final tally.
Here is a link to Paypal for your donation. Anything helps. Even if you can only donate $5, it’s worth it!
I donated $20. Hope the family will be able to have a good Christmas.
Thank you Marlene!!
My friend John said that he sent a note giving you the URL for updates. They are off to a great start. Between donations and clothing etc, the family is on the way to a wonderful Christmas. We still have a long ways to go though, so there is still a lot of opportunity for others reading this to help.
Thanks again for your generosity!
My GF and I are doing something similair here in Houston, they call it ‘Adopt an Angel.’ We basically ‘adopt’ a family’s children and buy them gifts. they give us a list of what they want, usually kids stuff, and we buy it for them (within reason) as well as some clothing and stuff. We also pay for a nice Christmas dinner for thier family.
It helps that there are 15-20 of us participating and that we usually are able to adopt 2 families with several kids.
I commend you for what you are doing. Keep it up!
– Neko
When my kids were small we would make bags for the homeless people downtown. We would get gloves, scarfs, socks, and food that could be opened easily, pull top tuna, cheese and crackers, fruit etc. We would then spend a morning walking around downtown – personally handing them a bag and wishing them well.
It was one of the most meaningful things we did as a family.
Gave $5. Hope this helps!