I think this is a pretty good article on credit unions. It’s written by a Director of a credit union so it’s obviously biased but it does speak to the excesses of major commercial financial institutions and discusses the desire to profit as much as possible off of their customers. Credit unions, on the other hand, are more devoted to their members and have used much more traditional operating guidelines to shelter them from the current economic issues.
This is an excellent article that not only details the advantages of credit unions for consumers, but points to the exact type of reform we should all look for in terms of big business commercial banking institutions (of course, I won’t be holding my breath).
Great article. For anyone who does a little research about how banks and credit unions make their money, it’s quite apparent that credit unions care about their customers a bit more. As such they have better policies, customer service, etc.
Thanks for suggesting such a good article on credit unions. The columnist perfectly pointed out the workings of Credit Unions, how they are operating their business in this grim age of economic depression. Now when everyone is baffled with their hard earned money, this kind of advice can provide us a ray of hope. The idea of “financialization” is really true according to the situation. The financial solution is also given at the end. I think others also can also follow some of its suggestions to find a new day of hope.