NCN over at No Credit Needed found a site that calculates the cost to drive your vehicle. Being a car lover like I am, I’m always curious about the price of particular trips. Normally I use the IRS figure to calculate my real cost to drive somewhere. This site seems to just use the gas price.
JD at Get Rich Slowly continues his tradition of finding quality stuff on the Internet. He highlights "This American Life" which does a great job of explaining the subprime mortgage mess. Deep down I’m not convinced that the ruling elite don’t meet in secret locations to draft evil plans that take all the money from us poor pheasants. Okay, okay. I’ll stop. Check out JD’s post on "The Giant Pool of Money".
Madame X over at My Open Wallet has a great post about the Vice Presidential candidates and their money. I was a little shocked, okay really shocked, to see how poorly Joe Biden has handled his finances all these years. He has been in congress for a long time yet doesn’t really have much in the way of assets. Yikes.
Jonathon at My Money Blog has an interesting post about the fact that people who plan for their retirement seem to be a happier lot. That doesn’t surprise me at all. I know I feel a ton better when I’m in control of my finances as well as other things like my weight etc. Knowing where you are at financially is such an empowering feeling. If I was shoving my bills in drawers and not even opening them for fear of what the balance might be I’d probably be suicidal.
I absolutely love this article from David @ My Two Dollars. It’s great to see that a small commitment from someone can have such a major impact. I think I’d still be looking at how the gas stations in his area are manipulating prices. It’s not enough that they lowered the price of gas. There are laws against manipulating prices like they sure seem to have been doing.
Here is Nick from Punny Money’s take on the bailout. I completely agree with him. I’ve vented plenty about the bailout. Ugh.
Lazy Man and Money has a post about his alternative income streams. He’s doing pretty darned good. I need to take some lessons from him.
Thanks for the mention. I can only hope someone is looking into the price manipulation so it doesn’t happen again!