I was perusing the internet and came across this video and found it very interesting, as well as a little scary:
After you watch the video, take a little time and read through some of the comments on the BoingBoing page. I was quite surprised at the intelligence in the comments. (Sure, there are a few moronic ones there too). I can’t see how anyone would argue that the current path we are on is a positive one. With trillions in debt and massive consumer debt, we can’t go on like this forever. At some point foreign investors WILL lose confidence in our ability to pay it all back.
While you’re at it, take a look at this video too. It really calls in to question how “free” our markets are. I have often felt like simple investors like myself are simply getting the very small crumbs while the market “rulers” are sucking up all the money.
Ummm, the dollar collapse is probably good for you in the USA. Most of us in Europe are praying for stronger dollar
The issue with the dollar is that the republicans are devaluing dollars so they can pay off the debts. issue with this is that there is a war going on and any advantage that this may give is negated by the costs of this war.
Americans are monumental dumbasses who have no idea about the depth of the pain that awaits them once the dollar crashes.
No idea.