What can I say? This article nails it. I think about this often. Instead of trying to always have the latest and greatest, I know I need to focus on appreciating what I do have. Once you acquire something, you then have to care and feed it. It takes up space, you want to protect it, you begin to put your valuable time towards all these different things you have instead of where you might find more contentment. (Family, activities etc).
Anyway, it’s a great article that talks about simplicity. Well worth reading.
I think the biggest issue for me is focusing on one task at a time. For example, I’m writing this comment here, but I’ve got at least 10 other tabs with, and other distractions open, not to mention work pages.
I really need to work on finding a few things in my life that give me contentment (great word)…
Hi Hazzard,
Thanks so much for this special mention. I’m touched by what you write (very well said).
Thanks again!
But the iPod touch is sooo cool…
Seriously though, thanks for the link to the article. It was well done and a good reminder about what is really important.
The Dividend Guy
Thanks for the link! Great article…
Great article… it really puts things in perspective.