Wow. This woman worked for Taco Bell for 30 years. She started at $2.85 an hour and ultimately became a store manager. In the end, she speculates that her high base pay, from being there so long, caused her to be forced out. Please Lord, give me the skills to avoid working at Taco Bell for 30 years. Frankly, I admire her work ethic. Other than that, I’m still shocked to read that someone worked in the fast food industry, at the store level, for 30 years.
Oh, and did I mention she was only robbed twice and only shot once during one of those robberies?
Taco Bell has a lousy reputation as an employer, in general. They were successfully sued for discrimination a couple years ago–they treated their African American employees very badly.
Wow, that sucks. For the record, this woman did not work for Taco Bell. She worked at a Taco Bell that was owned by a large franchisee (that also owned other, non-taco franchises).
I think the thing to remember here is that Taco Bell is a business. It says that she had comments on her last few reviews for things she needed to improve. It’s entirely possible–sad as it is–that she might not be able to perform up to the leve required. One of the complaints was in food-handling. She easily could have been unconsciously putting people at risk for food-poisoning.
The article was written specifically to make us sympathetic towards the woman. There could be more to the story that we don’t know.
what a saint!! I wish more people had a work ethic like that – ok Taco Bell isn’t the best job out there, but most people would put forth a lot LESS effort for a better job – amazing!
30 years at Taco Bell, she should own a franchise by now
This is why I fired myself from Corporate America and embarked on a crusade to help people win with money. There is no reason that she should be dependent upon an employer for health insurance after steady employment for thirty years!
Compound interest is my friend!!! I am SO GLAD that someone taught me the power of compound interest when I was just 12 years old! It has allowed me to invest early and often and will prevent me from having my life controlled by a business.