My birthday is next week. I’ll be turning the ripe age of 36. While this isn’t exactly a major roadside attraction along the highway of life it is important because it’s MY birthday. :)
Anyway, I stopped by my sister’s house last night for awhile and while I was there I tried out their new Nintendo WII. It’s absolutely a kick in the pants. That’s all I can say. There is no question that I want one. I’ve decided to pool together all the money I’ll receive for my birthday and buy one (if I can find one). I played “Tennis” on the WII with my 3 year old nephew. He beat me. Yes, it was embarassing. The funny thing is, he barely knew what he was doing. In my defense it was the first time I’d tried it. My skills drastically improved the second time I played and I’m just sure I could have beat him if there had been a round 2.
I think Nintendo really nailed this system. The graphics aren’t quite as good as the Xbox 360 or the Sony Playstation 3 but it doesn’t matter. It’s less about the graphics and more about the interactive experience. The Nintendo actually senses your hand movements and it is incredibly accurate. Better not twist your arm while bowling or you are going straight in the gutter. Backhand at tennis? Yep. If the tennis ball is coming to your left, you better have a decent backhand.
So, rather than save all the birthday money I’ll be receiving, I’m going to blow every bit of it. Chalk this up to “living a little”. Heck, I’m 36. I better make sure I have a little fun along the way. I’ve only got four more years until my midlife crisis and I plan to really live it up then……….
Happy birthday!!!
Hey, happy B-Day.
I also really enjoy my Wii. My 5 year old Daughter loves the thing. My only problem is the cost of the games. 60 to 70 bucks for a single game is too much in my book.
Mario Party 8 is a great game to have a couple of friends over and play. Also Mario Strikers Charged is really fun too.
I don’t really like sports games, but The Bigs had my shoulder sore for three days after trying to get the pitching correct.
Just remember, if you like serious games then the Wii is probably not your console of choice. Though no FPS I’ve seen on a console is any good because of the controls, you also get almost no strategy.
I am looking forward to Wii Fit.
I hate to spend money. I can’t afford to spend money. It depresses me.