This has nothing to do with personal finance but I found it somewhat pathetic:
We have troops deployed in many hostile areas. Our national debt is skyrocketing. Politicians are all maneuvering for election day. There are a million different things that actually matter to our country and our world going on right now and CNN breaks with this?
I’m so disappointed that this is what our country has become. No wonder so many of our citizens are disengaged from the real issues. Who are CNN’s peers? I would be embarrassed to be a journalist these days. The only ones that I respect are the ones that refuse to talk about Brittany, Lindsay, The View, Rosie, and on and on, and that actually confront the people running our country and other real newsmakers.
The definition of news seems to have shifted tremendously in this age of “continuous broadcasting” and “internet news”. Gone are the days of covering subjects that truly affect our society. Now news seems to be defined as anything that will increase traffic to the website or gain a few more audience members in the ratings. Whether you are interested in these inconsequential subjects or not, it sure doesn’t seem like anything about them should be streaming across the top of a major news organization.
What if you turn this on it’s head and think about it in a different way. People now searching for Whoopie, The View, Rosie and many other fluff stores will now land on CNN’s page. On this page they may get a glimpse of actual news and some of them might be redirected to the oil price news, the exploding tanker that killed 50 or various other stories.
I would much prefer them to land on CNN’s page than the Entertainment Tonight page where they will be bombarded with other useless crap.
I agree with you. The View is not news. Lindsay Lohan is not news. If there is nothing truly newsworthy to take up air time, I wish they would spend time educating people on economic, world politics, or anything relevant to the world we actually live in! Of course this would never need to happen because there is always something newsworthy and relevant that gets pushed aside to make room for the antics of some twenty something poptart.