I’ve often found myself trying to decide whether to buy a cheap item that might not last very long or spend a little more and get what I perceive to be better quality. I can’t tell you how many things I’ve purchased over the years that were at the bottom of the price/quality scale. Some of those items have quickly found themselves in the garbage can while others continue to have a useful life.
One of the latest purchases I’ve made is a digital camera. I opted to buy a low end Sony. There is a little history here. A few years ago we bought a “mid-range” camera that took great pictures. We loved the camera. The only problem with that purchase was that it didn’t take all that long before my wife and daughter sent it to the camera wrecking yard. From that point on, I decided that it probably didn’t make sense to spend extra for better quality because 1)It might not last too long in our house and 2)technology is continually improving and bringing the price point down. The cheap camera we bought this time has more capabilities and takes better pictures than the mid-range camera we bought a few years ago. It takes higher resolution photos, processes the shots quicker, takes larger videos and also includes sound on the videos. I bought that camera for less than a third of what we paid for the camera a few years ago.
Sometimes I don’t like to buy at the bottom of the quality spectrum. That’s probably why I love Costco so much. At Costco, I know that their buyers do the research to offer high quality products at a good price. I can’t recall the last time I bought something from Costco that I wasn’t happy with. A friend of mine has had similiar experiences: “Why I shop where I do“. John points out how important good customer service is. I also like to know that a company stands behind the products that they are selling me. Certainly Costco is one of the top companies that stands behind their products. Yes, Nordstrom also does stand behind their products but I don’t tend to shop there. John mentions Video Only. I would never shop there. I have perceived them as just out to make a buck ever since my brother in law purchased a TV there and had problems with it. When they told him that they don’t deal with any warranty issues and that my brother in law was on his own to deal with the manufacturer, I knew the place wasn’t for me. Frankly, I never see anything in their ads that beats what Costco offers. Anyway, check out John’s article and see if you agree with him, and if you disagree, be sure to leave him a comment. Tell him Hazzard sent you. :)
Costco is a great store, they really understand what customer service is all about. Many more companies should use Costco as an example.
When it comes to buying a mid-range product versus the low cost one is simply a matter of knowing about your product. Some of the mid to high end products are banking off nothing more than their name. Consumer reports are a great place to start followed by knowing the stores where you can get a great price on a product.
SOme stuff I like to buy the higher send products, but not with electronics. I usually do the mid-range thing also.