The last 5 days of work have been brutal. Yelling, screaming, emotions running high. I wish I was joking, but I’m not. I learned a long time ago that it isn’t worth losing your cool, but certainly other people that I work with haven’t learned that. The way some people react, you’d think that people’s lives were at stake.
Back in the days that I volunteered as a police officer, I found myself in a few situations where people’s lives WERE at stake. I always think back to those situations when I come across a stressful situation in my regular job. No matter how ugly it gets, nobody is going to die. It’s amazing how well that works to put things in perspective. So, while people were yelling at each other today and talking about how hard things are, I couldn’t help letting my mind wander a bit. “Good old Bill (names changed to protect the innocent). Work seems hard right now but at least he gets to go home. No one is pointing a gun at him threatening to kill him. I wonder if he realizes how lucky he is to be working in this company, making a good living, without anyone trying to shoot him as part of his job.”
Anyway, enough of this blabbering. I’ll forget all about this by tomorrow night as we finish packing our suitcases to head to Disneyland Thursday morning. I am so excited about my daughter getting to go to Disneyland. I know she is just going to love it. She’s almost 4 and knows all the characters that she’ll see there. (And what’s amazing is we don’t let her watch much tv and she still knows them all). You may be wondering how much this crazy trip is going to cost us. ZERO. My aunt, who is basically like my second mom, is taking all of us (including my sister’s family). She loves to travel and saves up for months and months to be able to take us on trips like this every few years. Yes, I feel guilty and try to do as much as I can for her. She’s single (never married) and retired. She has always been included in my immediate family and, like I said, is like a second mother to me.
So, we’re off to Disneyland on Thursday and will be back late Saturday. I called ahead and they do have internet access in the hotel and it’s free. (I wasn’t about to pay $10 for access). I’m probably going to take my laptop so if anything really interesting happens (at least from a money point of view), I’ll probably blog about it.
If anyone has any great tips for going to Disneyland, please leave them in the comments. I’m interested in really fun things to do there and great values too!
Make sure you go to the Enchanted Tiki Room.
Disclaimer: It’s not my fault if you can’t get the song out of your head the rest of the day.
Go early..that’s my tip. Summertime is brutal there, in terms of temperature and crowds. Living her in SoCal we know to avoid Disney during summer, but I know that’s when people vacation. I will say this for them though, they are good at managing lines and you should have to wait no more than an hour or 2 for the big rides – Adventures of the Lost Ark and Pirates being 2 that come to mind.
Be sure to get a multiple park pass so you can walk across the promenade and do to California Adventure as well, it’s pretty cool. Have a good vacation!
Thanks for the tips. We are hoping we’ll beat a few of the lines. The price we paid was cheaper because most kids are still in school. Yes, we have the park hopper pass for 3 days so should be able to enjoy both parks.
I’ve been watching the weather and it shows that it’s about 75 there. Seems about perfect!!