Every now and then I like to read the crime reports in our local newspapers. This one caught my attention. Something doesn’t sound quite right. The fact that the “victim” had $25,000 in cash and $12,000 in diamonds to lose tells me something is fishy. I especially like the part at the end where the victim falls for the old, “We just need to get out of your sight for a minute to prove you trust us”. So, for your reading pleasure, here it is:
“On 4-18-07 the victim was approached in the US Post Office parking lot at S.37th and G Streets by a b/m who showed him a stash of money in a satchel. The suspect said he wanted to give the man $70,000 to keep and to give to charities. He said he was looking for a “good man” whom he could trust, but first the man would have to give the suspect $20,000 just to show his good faith.
The victim gave the suspect a ride to S. 56th and Pacific, where they “found” another man, whom suspect No. 1 claimed he did not know. They told this man the story and said they needed him to produce cash also, which he did.
The victim then drove both men to a 3rd location and the victim gave the suspects $25,000 cash plus $12,000 in loose diamonds.
The suspects left on foot, saying they just needed to get out of sight to prove the victim trusted them, and they never returned.
Suspect No. 1: b/m 40-50 yrs. 5 feet 2, 140 pounds.
Suspect No. 2: Pacific Islander/male 40-50 5 feet 9, 200 pounds, shaved “buzzed” hair, not bald, large stomach”
Wow, that has to be the stupidest person in the whole world right there.
I just don’t understand how people fall for craziness like this…just doesn’t make sense to me.
I wonder how many people get scammed, but are too embarrassed to report it?
Shows you how much greed affects people’s judgment. This is exactly why we keep having financial bubbles throughout history.