I love technology just as much as the next guy and have been watching the Optimus keyboard as it winds it’s way through the design and production lifecycle. It’s pretty revolutionary as far as keyboards go. Rather than have static, fixed text on each key, it has dynamic OLED icons on each keyboard so that you can map the keys any way you like. The icons are even in color. I don’t think keyboards are going to get much sexier in a technology way for a long time after this. So, am I lined up to preorder one? Nope. They want over $1500 for this keyboard. I’m having trouble understanding how anyone could or would justify spending $1500 on just a keyboard. A standard, run of the mill keyboard these days will set you back about $15 at any local computer store (not Best Buy or Circuit City. I’m talking about the “Mom and Pop” stores). Anyway, I won’t be buying one of these any time soon. I’ll let other people cover the research and development costs of this. It’s only a matter of time before the technology is commoditized to the point that these keyboards won’t cost much more than a standard one. I’ll still drool over the thought (yeah, I know, I’ve been drooling a lot lately) of having one of these, but I won’t hold my breath for a massive price drop any time soon.