Every website that has been around for awhile gets a few search engine referrals. Most of the time the subject that the person searched for is pretty standard. If you host a blog about personal finance, you might expect to have people search for “investing” or “529 plans” or “consumer debt”. You get the idea. Well, as most blog owners can tell you, sometimes you get some pretty random referrals from the search engines when people search for crazy things and end up at your site. Here are ELYM’s top 5 search engine referrals for the past couple weeks:
1. Are hoas worth the money
2. Trophy wives
3. Internet porn millionaires
4. Can I have money please
5. Sperm loves
For someone that hasn’t been to my blog before, you might think that I’m running some sort of X-rated pornographic money outfit or something. I assure you I’m not. There are no secret pages here that talk of the sordid world of porn. I think it’s safe to say that these searchers probably didn’t find what they really wanted to on the site, although I could be wrong. Do you run a blog? What are some of your most interesting referrals?
haha, funny you should post this topic. today i got “my fat wife’s pics”
that’s probably my most bizarre search.