I’m just recently starting to get excited about watching TV on the internet. There are a couple companies out there that are working on this technology, but I think one stands out more than the others. JOOST is being developed by the same guys that created Kazaa and Skype. They obviously get it. Skype has turned in to a killer app and it really didn’t take that long. Millions and millions of people are using it all over the world as you read this.
I think that Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis will pull off the same thing with Joost. They are working WITH the content owners and are building relationships that should avoid all the nasty copyright issues that Youtube and others have had to deal with. They also plan to employ similiar peer to peer type technologies to help distribute the video. They are promising full screen, high quality video and I’m optimistic that they’ll be able to do it. They have introduced video on Skype so I think they have some experience in this area, although Joost will be Skype video on some serious steroids.
Are you a beta tester of Joost? I’m dying to try out the beta client but you need an invitation to get on. If you have one, or know someone that does, maybe you could help me out? (Wow, that sounded way too much like I was begging for drugs).