I’m not a huge fan of Jim Cramer. Every time I’ve tried to watch his show, I find myself feeling overwhelmed. I don’t mean I feel overwhelmed with the information that he’s yelling about. I think I’m mostly just overwhelmed by his on air persona. Frankly, I think that his show highlights the problems with investing in this day and age. There are so many people chasing investment advice. Are you really going to get a hot tip from Cramer? Statistically, yes you are. I mean, everyone has to be right some times.
If you believe this site: http://www.yourmoneywatch.com/index.php?name=Stock… as of 4/13/07 his performace was 12.92% compared to the S&P return of 16.81 in the same period. My take on this is that I’m going to continue to index in different sectors of the market including large cap, small cap, and international and just keep dollar cost averaging. While I may buy an individual stock once in awhile, I don’t plan on chasing down leads from someone screaming at me on tv.
no way!