Have you ever thrown up just a little bit in your mouth? I did today when I watched an episode of “My Super Sweet Sixteen” on MTV. They should rename this show “How Not to Raise a Child”.
It all started going south for me when the show intro started. It basically shows a bunch of spoiled little girls posing. All these girls have one thing in common. They all have their parents wrapped around their fingers. Usually it’s the dad.
In this action packed episode, the audience was treated with scenes from the $450 photo shoot for the photos that would later be plastered all over the walls at the party. I can only imagine how much the clothes for the party cost. The girl was disgusted at the thought of buying a $275 purse. Apparently that was too cheap and would scream out “White trash” to anyone that saw her carrying it. I was particularly disgusted by the pouting and little whining episodes when the party didn’t appear to be going in the right direction. This girl got surprised with celebrities at her party and the icing on the cake was the brand new BMW 7 series outside that her daddy bought for her. Total price for the party plus car: $300K.
I don’t care how much money you have. That’s just absurd. What are you teaching your child? This girl thought she was a celebrity and wanted to be treated that way. To say that this girl was happier than someone from a middle class family would be a mistake. She just found stress and sorrow in more expensive situations.
I’ve never seen the show, only heard about it, and I figure that’s a good thing. I don’t need to be buying a new TV right now … which is what I’d have to do after I threw something heavy through the screen when that show came on.
Yeah, this isn’t the way to raise a child. Thanks for keeping the economy moving to the tune of $300k, buddy!
I’ve seen the show. In my opinion, the target audience for this MTV series is sixteen year old girls who may believe their life is not as charmed as they’d like. The message to kids is, “Be thankful for what you got. Money doesn’t buy you happiness – just more expensive stuff.”
Have a great new year!
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I have no concept of how the world has become this type of place. Parents that think that their princesses (boys and girls) all need to drive cars that 95% of normal folks can’t afford as a sign of affluence? I think I want to be a financial advisor for these folks, because I think they can’t care if they lose $100K a year on bad investments (or embezzlement). I grow weary watching that show, and I lament that the world is not the place I thought it was. –C8j
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I do tech support and I talk to these “princesses” all day. They don’t age well. The whining is hard to take. It’s difficult to take someone seriously that is whining about not being able to do their online banking. You can check your balance by phone, for crying out loud! It’s hard to believe that we went through the whole women’s lib thing only to have these grown up infants throwing tantrums their whole lives.
I dont agree!!!! this is TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! r u all stupid enough to actaully think all these girls can be that bitchy…. i mean how stupid is this world? ya i dont agree with the way they all act… but im sure the girls cant be that bad… they only shwo the mean parts… another thing if ne one had the money they had then y night spend itl…. if u got it flaunt it! people r just to jealouse of them these day .. or y would u waste ur time writeing in?? idk about everyone else but i wish i could have that type of money..
Thanks A:ex,
Always a pleasure to see teenage girls coming by the blog to learn about personal finance. I’m sorry we don’t agree on the Sweet Sixteen parties
hey guys…. sorry .. everyone def. needs to be thankful for what they have.. its just sad that people tlak so mean about people and i hate it!!! i wish everyone can just be happy for people. im sure those kids worked hard for their party and all people do i nagg
On the contrary, A:ex, that stuff is REAL. My fiance works in reality tv, I’ve seen a lot of unedited footage. They don’t have to use a lot of tricks to make these girls look bad, they really ARE that bad, or at least close to it.
Don’t worry, everyone, those girls will almost certainly wreck those cars as soon as the cameras have packed up and left. If we’re lucky, they’ll learn something from totalling that car (but probably not).
If the rest of society is lucky every single one of these vapid, soulless, nauseating, spoiled little brats will wrap that brand new $150,000 car around a tree with only themselves in it. The only scenario more fitting than that would be a head-on collision with “daaaddddeeeee!!!” (or whoever bought said “princess” said automoblie) at 70 mph, with no survivors and no other people involved. These people (both parents and kids) are the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth and the epitome of what is wrong with unchecked materialism. The girls think that their parents’ success entitles them to absolutely everything that the world has to offer, without ever having worked for anything a day in their lives. They will most likely never appreciate the day to day struggles that most people endure and will walk through life with that sickening sense of entitlement that makes most of us cringe when watching this show. The parents are even worse, because they are adults, and have indulged their daughters to the point that they have become these shallow, worthless, empty shells of human beings at the ripe old age of 15. Great lesson, mom and dad, money = happiness, and parties are all about outdoing the neighbors and excluding other people. The money buys happiness myth has been disproven so many times that it doesn’t even warrant mentioning a specific example- insert most child stars or “misunderstood” musicians here. I can’t wait until one of these over-indulgent fathers loses everything he has in some financial scandal, thereby forcing “Missy” or “Chastity” to learn the hard way that money is not an absolute in this life. MTV should have a follow up show in 10 years. Here’s hoping that by 2016, the typical self-proclaimed “celebrity” from this show in has either wised up and become an actual genuine person, or is selling her body for her next heroin fix or OD’d on sleeping pills. Karma can be a bitch.
I’m home sick from work today, and just to pass time this afternoon while lying around, flipped through the channels and found My Super Sweet Sixteen. Apalling! The girl, (yes they are still girls, inspite of how they and their parents view them) Alison, wanted to close a busy street for her entrance parade. The street included a hospital, and she said that any emergencies could “wait a minute” for her! Now how self-centered is that!? But you know what, they closed part of the street for her! Now, not only are her parents ridiculously indulgent, but the entire city of Atlanta is too! Just another example of how money talks. No jealousy here, just a nurse practitioner disgusted by a spoiled brat. And just when I thought my stomach virus was getting better!