I’m home sick today. Both my daughter and I are sick so we are just going to take it easy today. She is getting to watch more TV than we normally let her watch, but she is such a good sport about not feeling well, that we think it’s okay.
On a slightly related note, it occurred to me that she isn’t getting a lot of exposure to commercials anymore. We use Comcast “On Demand” for some of the shows she watches. There are no commercials in these shows so that drastically cuts down on how many she sees. It also give us the ability to really be selective on what she sees. In addition, we have Tivo so we are able to fast forward through any other commercials. She pretty much doesn’t watch any live TV anymore. I love it. The less commercials she sees, the less materialistic she might become.
All that mumbo jumbo being said, she definitely is tuned in to the Christmas season. She knows that there are presents in her future. She is 3 years old and over the past year, when she asks for something at the store, we’ve told her to put it on her Christmas list. We’ve also tried to make sure she understands that just because it’s on the list, doesn’t mean she’ll get it, although at 3 years old, she may still be hoping that isn’t true.
Our plan is to buy her a couple Christmas gifts. We plan to buy her a small radio that plays CD’s for her room. It should be less than about $40-50. We’ll also buy her a small toy. Overall, we probably won’t spend more than about $75 on her, which is more than we’ll spend on each other. The reality is that she will be getting so many different gifts from aunts, uncles and grandparents, that she’ll be more than content. It’s amazing how excessive Christmas feels in this age of cheap toys. More than a couple times, I’ve heard family members say, “I just had to get her both since they were so cheap”.
I like to make presents to my family, especially Christmas gifts!