It’s week three of the new schedule at our house. Things have been going well, but I’ve been expecting that sooner or later I’d need to take a sick day to stay home with our daughter. Today was the day.
It just doesn’t make sense for my wife to stay home with her at this point. She is only “temping” and doesn’t get any paid sick leave or vacation. If she was to stay home, we would lose out on a day’s pay. When you consider we are also paying for daycare (they don’t give $$ off for a missed day), it gets rather expensive. Since I’ve got great benefits and don’t use much sick time, I opted to stay home. The reality is that I’ve stayed caught up on email, etc while I’ve been home so it will make going back tomorrow much easier.
The rugrat is taking a nap now, so I’m just taking it easy and spending a little time on PF blogs. Maybe I’ll pick up a new trick or tidbit of information that will help us with our finances.
It’s really too bad that I had to take down our net worth information. It has been steadily rising and we are much farther along than I ever thought we’d be at the age of 35. We have long since passed the average net worth of all age groups and are trying to stay in the top 10% of net worth for our specific age group. That was easy to do when we were below 33. Now that we’ve aged a bit, it’s going to be much harder to stay in the top 10% because the age range goes all the way up to near age 40. There are plenty of 40 year olds that make us look like materialistic debt laden nuts. Oh well. This isn’t a contest, but it is still fun to track where we are, relative to others in our age group.
Has anyone found a current net worth ranking? (I’m curious to see data on net worth by age group)
problem is, there really isn’t much reliable net worth data. I’ve seen all types of numbers given out, and its really difficult to tell as many people probably don’t know their net worth, others inclulde/exclude home values, and others don’t want to tell.
I use a couple of things to compare my personal net worth to:
1) 1% of the cut-off for the annual Business Review Weekly “Rich 200” list – your equivalent would be to work from a suitable % of the annual Forbes magazine’s “Rich List” cut-off. This method doesn’t give you an age-adjusted figure, but it has the advantage that the figure will be going up by what rich investors are achieving (who should know what they’re doing!)
2) I calculate an age-specific (head of household) family net worth using the Australian HILDA report. This is the only source of statistically valid, age-based Australian net worth data I’ve come across (for free). I believe there are equivalent reports done for the USA and UK – have a look at the HILDA report for suitable references. []
BTW – I did a post on a tool available via the NYT for estimating your “class” – one of the four factors is your net worth percentile (unfortunately it’s not age adjusted):
I missed it – why did you stop posting your net worth?
A few people I know found out about the site and I decided that since it was no longer anonymous, that I didn’t think it was a good idea to keep my financial information up there.