Wow. I like to read some message boards that cover some of the things I own. I’ve found a few good tips about my truck and about my old Seadoo. (in fact, it’s saved me a ton of money because I was able to find the information I needed to repair my Seadoo myself).
Anyway, I happened to run across this post. It’s a guy talking about putting a “lift” on his truck. I have pasted the paragraph that caught my attention below. I guess I just find it interesting that he filed a lawsuit against someone for medical bills etc, and then confesses that he spent some of the money buying a new truck and putting a lift on it.
Here is the paragraph from the message board post:
“Ok well ive got a NOVEL for you guys, but if you don’t care for the read, just scroll down for the pics. I’m writing this much shit because…. deciding on which lift to pick took a lot of work and lot of long nights reading on the different forums. So it means a lot to me. OK It has been almost a year since I got into my big accident with my Honda CRV. This sixteen old girl ran a red light and t-boned my mini-suv. My girlfriend and I rolled once. I got stitches on my foot and developed back and neck problems. Even though im only 20 I never drove all crazy like that when I first got my license. Ok well, what do Americans do best?….file lawsuits. Even though it sounds bad, I sued the girl because I wasn’t gonna pay all those medical bills all by myself and buy a new car. Ok well I got the new 05 Tacoma last summer and it was great. After I won the lawsuit I decided to use the money for mods, and the first thing I wanted was a lift. Just a brief history, so ppl wont think im a spoiled little brat and think mommy and daddy paid for this lift. Of course my stingy Filipino parents told me to put it in a savings/interest account so it can earn money but F*ck that ill earn like 2 cents every month =P when they saw my lift they flipped out but its MY money, so whatev. Ok on to the story”
Kind of amazing and wonderful. I mean, sure, it’s his money. JACK THAT LIFT RIGHT IN THERE!