We are off to the family cabin to spend the day with all of my family, including my mother. :) It should be a great day. The weather is clear and sunny with temperatures going in to the mid 70’s. We are taking our Seadoo up with us and my sister is bringing her boat as well. All the nephews are very excited to go out on the boat and Seadoo.
Frankly, we feel very fortunate to be able to spend time with our family like this. While we’ll easily spend $100 on gas for both the truck and Seadoo, and other items, it’s worth it. This is what having some money in the bank is for. Being able to spend a little money without any concern for how much is great. No credit cards here.
Yesterday we spent the day removing a bunch of juniper bushes that were out in front of our house. The previous homeowner put them in and they had grown up big and ugly. I know all of our neighbors just hated them. I would bet we’ve gotten wise crack remarks about those things at least 15 times since we’ve lived here. We hated them too and the yard looks so much cleaner and nicer now. I had gotten a bid of $250 to have them (9 of them) removed. I didn’t think that seemed like such a bad price, although now that we did it ourselves, I’m glad we didn’t pay someone. I just threw a tow rope around the base of each one and hooked it up to my truck. Each one pulled out with ease. These junipers were each about 4-5 feet across so I was really surprised how easily they came out. Definitely saved ourselves some easy money.
You should have taken a collection from your neighbors to remove the trees, wouldn’t have had to know you planned to remove them anyways. LOL