It’s been a rough weekend. Saturday evening I got sick and didn’t sleep all night. I stayed in bed all day Sunday which is the first time I’ve done that in about 20 years. Between sleeping and getting up to be sick again, I watched a little TV.
As I flipped through the channels, I finally came upon a show called “The Real Housewives of Orange County”. The show is basically a chance for a bunch of self involved women to talk about themselves and showcase all the “things” they have. A few of my favorite tidbits from watching:
-One woman claimed that about 85% of the women in her area have had breast implants
-On an “arranged” jewelry shopping trip, the ladies collectively spent over $44,000 on jewelry.
-One mother “Vicky” was mad at her son for using her American Express card (which apparently he has full access to) to purchase rock concert tickets for him and all his friends.
Believe me, these are just a few of the MANY examples of complete and total absurdity. This show is an ongoing saga of trying to keep up with your neighbors. I had to wonder how many of these people are living completely beyond their means. One woman, while on the jewelry shopping trip, had to soul search a whole bunch before justifying the purchase. She kept thinking that maybe she could be more productive at her sales job. That led me to believe what she makes, she spends.
I will confess I watched the shows (it was an all day, or at least a few hour marathon of shows), because it was a bit of a train wreck. I wish that I could show my daughter these shows (She’s 2) and have her realize how absurd it is. Unfortunately, with all the shows out there flaunting consumerism, it’s going to be a lot harder than that to teach her that it isn’t normal to go on jewelry shopping trips and have full access to her parents credit cards.
IF you think the show is over the top, you should live here. The women are not lying, especially those that are born with the gift of spending. Its too bad that most of these kids are and families are so disconneceted with the rest of the world. This is one of those shows, that goes a long way to ignite the fire of hatred of Americans around the globe.
This show is completely rediculous. However, I must say it is a guilty pleasure, I did watch it.
A show you might want to Tivo for your daughter is ‘my super sweet sixteen’. This show makes me sick, the way the kids behave, oh how I would like to discipline one of them.
But I think that all these shows have fictitious heroes and stories. Or all that stories are much exaggerate. Don’t you think so?