You may recall that a few months ago I posted about buying someone’s wheels and tires from their Toyota. I always find this is a great way to get new tires (and a new set of wheels) for about the price of new tires alone. Then I can sell my old wheels and end up getting new tires for about half price. Well, you may also recall that after that post about buying new wheels and tires, I ended up buying a new truck.
Before I sold my old truck, I took those new wheels and tires off and put them in the garage. I paid $400 (plus another $50 to get them mounted and balanced) for those and didn’t want to just “give” them away on my old truck. (I don’t think buyers really care what the wheels and tires look like on the car they are buying, unless they are terribly ugly.)
So, that’s the long winded way to get to the story. I put the wheels and tires up on Craigslist and sold them today for $650. Not a bad profit. Needless to say, if I come across any other deals like that, I’ll be sure to snap them up.
Your planet must be Mercury=)