Okay. What the heck. What’s wrong with you Alex? You win the lottery and then get arrested for not paying taxes on it? Did you really need the extra tax money? I mean, I think I could live pretty well on $660,000 a year. I’d call it a nasty case of moronitis!,3800004871,39158081,00.htm
Outsourcing isn’t saving as much money as once thought. I take great satisfaction and comfort from this. When you couple the rate of savings with the increased operational risks, it doesn’t look so sweet in many cases.
There are a few drawbacks to being an internet porn millionaire. Poor guy. For some reason I don’t feel tons of sad feelings for him.
Is a liberal arts degree all that bad? I’ve got one and I’m doing quite well with it. Sure, there are plenty of computer science majors out there making more, and certainly the MBA’s are pulling down some serious coin, but I’m okay.
And, this just in:
Wow. Two cases of moronitis on the same day. Uhhh, yeah. If you are going to hide your cash in a garbage bag, please, please don’t hide the bag in a garbage can.