I’m amazed at what you can learn on internet forums. I first realized how much help they can be when I bought my used Seadoo and needed some help figuring out how to work on it. I found a forum that was hosted by some very knowledgeable Seadoo techs and was frequented by hundreds of Seadoo owners. There were pictures of what parts looked like, videos on how to do different repairs and pretty much anything else you’d need. I also found it valuable for hot tips on where to purchase items that I needed for it.
Well, after buying my new truck, I found http://www.toyotanation.com. It has a ton of forums for every kind of Toyota. I have been frequenting the Tacoma forum and have found out a lot of useful information. One thing that I will admit is that many of the people on the forum seem to spend a fair amount of money on their trucks. When I see all the addons that people are bragging about, I wonder how much all of that cost, and whether these folks can really afford them. Of course, I’ll never know. I will try to do my best not to catch the accessory fever by going out and buying many of the cool things I see on there. For now, I’ll just continue to lurk on all the posts.
The personal finance arena isn’t any different. There are great forums for personal finance on:
And even a military.com forum focused on personal finance:
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